Do you have a “VIRUS”?!?
- Is your internet hijacked…sending you to random web addresses?
- Are pop-ups asking you to download or install software to remove a virus?
- Is your internet running much slower than it used to, and your internet provider has no answers?
- Is your computer taking FOREVER to start-up or shut down?
- Are you looking for a professional that actually knows how a computer virus works, and will explain how you can avoid them?
10am – 6pm
(702) 575-0000
COMPUTER REPAIR LAS VEGAS will remove that nasty VIRUS infection now! They have trained expert professionals in all VIRUS and spyware removal. You will understand how it crept into your system… and how to prevent a future occurance. Did you know that over HALF of all VIRUSES can be avoided by a few simple steps? Our goal is to help you save money, by teaching life-long techniques. COMPUTER REPAIR LAS VEGAS offers free VIRUS guidance counseling and free diagnostics, with no obligation.